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Captured in words and images, a picture, a sentence can tell a whole story. What was, how it is or express a desire.

All my life I have been thinking in pictures, seeing metaphors, atmospheres or landscapes when people tell me something. Behind the scenes, I have been working hard for the last two years to learn to take better pictures and write better. And now the time has come to use it for coaching or inspiration.

Imagining: Captured in words and images, a picture, a sentence can tell a whole story.

About Anne Marie as a photographer

I got my first camera when I was about eight years old. It was followed by a series of cameras, bigger ones, lenses to smaller and smaller ones, until finally just the phone.

At the end of 2019, at my husband's insistence, I picked up the camera again. It felt like coming home. This time I traveled to "the master" in France to really start learning. Photographing beautifully and technically well without post-processing is truly a profession.

What can you expect from me?

  • Writing blogs, a chat with a picture
  • Portrait photography with individual coaching
  • Photos combined with words are comforting, reminding and visualizing what was or is.
  • Also consider a personalized book based on your life story, cards and/or portrait photography.
Anne-Marie Koenraad - van Hees
Anne-Marie Koenraad - van Hees

portfolio photography

Commissioned: Portret / fashion

Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees
Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees

How can I help you?

Do you have any questions or do you need a personal conversation? Don't hesitate and contact me. I'd be happy to talk to you.