Top of mountain feeling
Realizing what you're good at adds more pleasure and happiness to your work. Understanding your talent allows you to set up your work properly so that you can do the right things from personal expertise. Only then can you start working on the necessary skills and knowledge.
The aim of 2Advance is effecting fundamental (systemic) changes in organization and people. A change that takes place from within at business, departmental or individual level.
As an external partner, I'm aiming for a long-term relationship in order to deliver lasting results to the well-being and success of the organization and its collaborators. I want to enable the self-development of people.
I use Transactional Analysis (TA) as a starting point. A practical theory on behaviour and communication in which we come to understand ourselves and the people we work with using simple models. As an employee, manager or salesman, it makes us effective in dealing and communicating with people.
My methodology is dynamic, only our goal is fixed. Setting and achieving targets is dependent on what is needed. So no pre-set programme: using the thermometer and hearing and feeling what is needed, connecting myself - just do it!
Anne-Marie can make people grow, she brings out the best in people. She enjoys the fact that people enjoy their success, that she has been able to make a substantial contribution to it. She discovers the talents that people had not or never discovered themselves. Anne-Marie is a wonderful person!
Anne-Marie lets you experience through confrontation that you not only have talents, but that you can also develop them further. This way the message always hits harder and you quickly learn to improve your own development points in a fun and playful way.
Du hast eine wunderbare natürlich Art, Potenziale bei den Mitarbeitern zu heben, die diese im Geschäftsalltag schon oft vergessen hatten (und an die die Führungskräfte nicht so leicht herankommen). Im Zusammenspiel mit guten und offenen Führungskräften werden Verkrustungen gelöst, die Mitarbeiter entwickeln Eigeninitiative und Spaß an der Leistung und wachsen so über sich hinaus.
A very strong side of Anne-Marie is creating a situation in which people feel safe and familiar. To then get a mirror held up to you from that warm, familiar base in a sharp, but pleasant way. With which employees are then able to get the best out of themselves.

How can I help you?
Do you have any questions or do you need a personal conversation? Don't hesitate and contact me. I'd be happy to talk to you.