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“During a trek in Laos, we got a home-distilled drink with fried worms from the village chief. The toast which he proposed to us was unintelligible and corrupted to 'just do it!'

These words have such an overtone, because nothing can take place without people who just do it. Just do it, also as an entrepreneur, director, manager or employee. By just doing it, we get great things done. Just do it as a human being, I personally also find very meaningful, it keeps us humble.”

In the training course, we use simple models from the Transactional Analysis (TA). A very practical theory on behaviour and communication. We come to understand ourselves and the people we work with. As an employee, manager or salesman, it makes us efficient in dealing with and communicating with people.

The content of the training

The content of the training course is determined by daily routine that requires attention. What could be better? What would you like to change? What is needed to achieve the objectives?

Topics that will be discussed

  • Retrieve the top of mountain feeling, personal or business
  • Attention plan organization or personal
  • Motivation test
  • Understanding our own work and order of thinking
  • Understanding what gives energy and what costs energy
  • Focus on talent development
  • Influencing my surroundings
  • Sales communication / skills
  • Management communication / skills

The 2Advance method consists of three steps that I call waypoints:

  1. Waypoint 1 – Top of mountain feeling
  2. Waypoint 2 – Map out a route
  3. Waypoint 3 – Just do it


Typical of my systemic approach is that both the person and the organization will be discussed.

The 'top of mountain feeling', that euphoric feeling on top of that little piece of mountain, is my starting point. That is the starting point and the reason why we connect our talents to the organization. By understanding and being aware of your own qualities and values and those of the organization, we set training goals that you want to achieve.

We map out the route and step by step we make things clear. To 'just do it', we'll get to work and anchor the new insights and skills into your system. This leads to systemic, fundamental changes.

Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees
Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees

How can I help you?

Do you have any questions or do you need a personal conversation? Don't hesitate and contact me. I'd be happy to talk to you.