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Waypoint 2 – Map out a route

From the first meeting, we start to work on a personal attention plan. It will contain the subjects that require attention in order to achieve growth. After all, everything we pay attention to grows. This leads to all the steps we are going to take.


A route never goes in a straight line from A to B. There will always be things on your path you have to deal with that make you change course. Note, off course, not off target. That means that you have set the target as the main priority. So with the target in mind, we are going to investigate.

We make a value management plan. This is an approach at an individual level to visualize and observe the values.

Questions to get started with:

  • What routes are there?
  • What are the pros and cons?
  • What do I have to take into account?
  • How do I take responsibility for my work?
  • What is my plan of attention?


Mapping out the route starts with gaining an insight into the environment and mapping out the landscape. Who are my customers, what are their wishes, who is the competition, what does the market look like and what are the trends? Looking at what awaits us and setting goals is also part of this.

Questions to get started with:

  • What do we need?
  • With whom are we going to do what and where do we reach the target? That dot on the horizon?

“There are many roads leading to the dot on the horizon. It's the only one that suits you best. We are going to follow this way, it's up to you to take the first step”

From the top of mountain feeling, you are 
going to map out your route,then you just going to do it: Waypoint 3 – Just do it

Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees
Anne Marie Koenraad - van Hees

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